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Raven Biology of Plants
Author: Peter H. Raven,Ray Franklin Evert,Susan E. Eichhorn
Publisher: N.A
ISBN: 9781464113512
Category: Botanik
Page: 7
View: 6628
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DOWNLOAD NOW »The eighth edition of this bestselling botany textbook has been updated throughout with the most recent primary literature, eight new ecology-oriented essays, and 175 new illustrations and photographs to keep the presentation as well as the content fresh and engaging. It is an invaluable resource for both students and professionals
Biology of Plants
Author: Peter H. Raven,Ray F. Evert,Susan E. Eichhorn
Publisher: Macmillan
ISBN: 9780716710073
Category: Science
Page: 686
View: 7020
The seventh edition of this book includes chapter overviews, checkpoints, detailed summaries, summary tables, a list of key terms and end-of-chapter questions. There is also a new chapter on recombinant DNA technology, plant biotechnology, and genomics.
Raven Biology of Plants
Author: Peter H. Raven,Ray F. Evert,Susan E. Eichhorn
Publisher: Macmillan Higher Education
ISBN: 1464117888
Category: Science
Page: 880
View: 1406
CourseSmart International E-Book for Biology of Plants
Author: Ray F. Evert,Susan E. Eichhorn
Publisher: Macmillan International Higher Education
ISBN: 1464162948
Category: Science
Page: 900
View: 2284
Biology Of Plants Raven 8th Test Bank
DOWNLOAD NOW »The eighth edition of the highly regarded botany textbook Raven Biology of Plants by Ray F. Evert and Susan E. Eichhorn offers the most significant revision in the book's history. Every topic has been updated with information from the most recent primary literature. The chapters have been carefully reorganized, with extensive updating of the Diversity Section and the Angiosperm Plant Body Section. The text also includes new photos, illustrations and chapter openers, making the text even more accessible and engaging. Biology of Plants presents an emphasis on the interrelationships of growth and development, structure and function, and evolution and ecology. A highlight of the new edition is a set of 8 new ecology essays that showcase ecologically relevant stories to bring the concepts to life. They cover a range of topics, from 'Google Earth: A Tool for Discovering and Protecting Biodiversity' to the 'Doomsday Seed Vault: Securing Crop Diversity' and 'Green Roofs: A Cool Alternative'. In addition, a number of supplements will support both you and your students in using Biology of Plants to its full potential.
Raven Biology of Plants (Loose-Leaf)
Author: Ray F. Evert,Susan E. Eichhorn
Publisher: W. H. Freeman
ISBN: 9781464117800
Category: Science
Page: 880
View: 5308
Biology of Plants
Author: Peter H. Raven,Ray F. Evert,Susan E. Eichhorn
Publisher: Macmillan
ISBN: 9780716710073
Category: Science
Page: 686
View: 2220
The seventh edition of this book includes chapter overviews, checkpoints, detailed summaries, summary tables, a list of key terms and end-of-chapter questions. There is also a new chapter on recombinant DNA technology, plant biotechnology, and genomics.
Exam Prep for: Raven Biology of Plants (Loose-Leaf)
Author: David Mason
Publisher: Rico Publications
Category: Education
Page: 800
View: 2512
Biology is the natural science that studies life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, physiological mechanisms, development and evolution. This book provides over 2,000 Exam Prep questions and answers to accompany the text Raven Biology of Plants (Loose-Leaf) Items include highly probable exam items: enzyme, microorganism, Plankton, Antibiotic, Douglas fir, diploid, Epidermis, Carnivorous plant, Carbon dioxide, Plant cell, and more.
Studyguide for Raven Biology of Plants by Ray F. Evert, ISBN 9781429219617
Author: Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Publisher: Cram101
ISBN: 9781490243085
Page: 474
View: 7023
Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again! Virtually all of the testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events from the textbook are included. Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanys: 9781429219617 .
Biologie der Pflanzen
Author: Peter H. Raven,Ray Franklin Evert,Susan E. Eichhorn
Publisher: de Gruyter
ISBN: 9783110185317
Category: Science
Page: 942
View: 6943
Biologie der Pflanzen gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über das aktuelle Grundwissen der Botanik - einschließlich Viren, Prokaryoten, Pilze und Protisten. Kompetent und anschaulich wird der Leser von den renommierten Autoren durch den umfangreichen Lesestoff geführt. Biologie der Pflanzenzelle, Diversität, Genetik und Evolution, Wachstum und Entwicklung, Struktur und Funktion sowie Physiologie und Ökologie bilden die Schwerpunkte der Betrachtungen. Die 4. Auflage dieses Klassikers der botanischen Fachliteratur berücksichtigt die neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse. Sie wurde vor allem ergänzt durch: die neuesten Methoden der Molekularbiologie zur Untersuchung von Pflanzen, grundlegend neue Erkenntnisse zur Evolution der Angiospermen, wesentliche Änderungen in der Klassifikation der Protista und der samenlosen Gefäßpflanzen, aktuelle Informationen über Pflanzenhormone aus der Arabidopsis-Forschung. Die vorliegende gründliche Überarbeitung beinhaltet ferner Umstellungen in der Präsentation des Stoffes sowie eine Straffung des Textes. Abgerundet wird das Lehrbuch durch die bewährt aufwändige Bebilderung, eine ausgereifte Didaktik mit Verständnisfragen und einem umfangreichen, aktualisierten Glossar. Für das amerikanische Bachelorstudium konzipiert, bietet der ,Raven' effektive und zielgerichtete Prüfungsvorbereitung in Haupt- und Nebenfach (Diplom-, Bachelor- oder Masterstudium).
Biology of Plants
Author: Peter H. Raven,Ray F. Every,Susan E. Eichhorn
Publisher: Worth Pub
ISBN: 9781572597655
Page: N.A
View: 5912
Laboratory Topics in Botany
Author: Ray Franklin Evert,Susan E. Eichhorn
Publisher: Worth Pub
ISBN: 9781572596054
Category: Science
Page: 380
View: 6943
The classic botany text returns in a dramatically revised and reinvigorated new edition, driven by breakthroughs in molecular research and cladistic analyses, and enhanced by innovative pedagogy and educational technology. With These changes, the book reestablishes its trademark authority, accuracy, and accessibility, and strengthens its emphasis on interrelationships of growth and development, structure and function, and evolution and ecology.
Studyguide for Biology of Plants by Raven, Peter H.
Author: Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Publisher: Cram101
ISBN: 9781478473961
Page: 424
View: 9910
Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again Includes all testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events. Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides gives all of the outlines, highlights, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanies: 9780872893795. This item is printed on demand.
Psilocybinpilze der Welt
Author: Paul Stamets
Publisher: N.A
ISBN: 9783855026074
Page: 246
View: 9789
Functional Biology of Plants
Author: Martin J. Hodson,John A. Bryant
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119945062
Category: Science
Page: 400
View: 2702
Functional Biology of Plants provides students and researchers with a clearly written, well structured whole plant physiology text. Early in the text, it provides essential information on molecular and cellular processes so that the reader can understand how they are integrated into the development and function of the plant at whole-plant level. Thus, this beautifully illustrated book, presents a modern, applied integration of whole plant and molecular approaches to the study of plants. It is divided into four parts: Part 1: Genes and Cells, looks at the origins of plants, cell structure, biochemical processes and genes and development. Part 2: The Functioning Plant, describes the structure and function of roots, stems, leaves, flowers and seed and fruit development. Part 3: Interactions and Adaptations, examines environmental and biotic stresses and how plants adapt and acclimatise to these conditions. Part 4: Future Directions, illustrates the great importance of plant research by looking at some well chosen, topical examples such as GM crops, biomass and bio-fuels, loss of plant biodiversity and the question of how to feed the planet. Throughout the book there are text boxes to illustrate particular aspects of how humans make use of plants, and a comprehensive glossary proves invaluable to those coming to the subject from other areas of life science.
Enzyklopädie der psychoaktiven Pflanzen
Author: Christian Rätsch
Publisher: N.A
ISBN: 9783038003526
Page: 941
View: 339
Botanische Bestimmungsübungen
Author: Thomas Stützel
Publisher: UTB
ISBN: 3825285499
Category: Science
Page: 117
View: 5611
Bestimmen leicht gemacht! Die 3. Auflage der „Botanischen Bestimmungsübungen“ wurde komplett umgearbeitet und neu strukturiert. Die Familiengliederung wurde der APGIII Systematik angepasst, und die Blütendiagramme und alle anderen Grafiken sind durchgehend farbig. Die oft als kompliziert empfundene Fachterminologie wird auf leicht erfassbare Weise eingeführt. Zusammen mit der Theorie der Erstellung und Benutzung von Bestimmungsschlüsseln und der Anleitung zum Anlegen eines Herbariums werden so alle Grundlagen für das Bestimmen von Blütenpflanzen und weiteren Gefäßpflanzen gelegt. Die wichtigsten europäischen Pflanzenfamilien werden steckbriefartig mit Blütendiagramm sowie mit Hinweisen auf Nutz-, Gift- und Zierpflanzen dargestellt. Die erfolgreiche Nutzung entsprechender europäischer Titel ist damit problemlos möglich. Aus dem Inhalt: - Struktur und Benutzung von Bestimmungsschlüsseln - Praktische Anleitungen - Morphologie der Kormophyten (Gefäßpflanzen) - Generationswechsel von Angiospermen und Farnen - Beschreibung wichtiger einheimischer Pflanzenfamilien
Die systematische Nomenklatur der organischen Chemie
Author: D. Hellwinkel
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
ISBN: 3662066874
Category: Science
Page: 172
View: 6150
Das explosionsartige Anwachsen des chemischen Wissens hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten im Bereich der organischen Chemie zu einer schier unübersehbaren Anzahl neuer und neuartiger Verbindungen und Verbindungsklassen geführt, deren rationelle Benennung immer größere Schwierigkeiten bereitete. Ursprünglich war ja die Namensgebung eines neuen Stoffes weitgehend, wenn nicht völlig in das Belieben des Entdeckers gestellt, der den Namen häufig von einer direkten sinnlichen Wahrnehmung ableitete oder sich gar ganz von der Intuition leiten ließ. Da die mehr oder weniger willkürlich gebildeten 'Trivialnamen' meist gar nichts über die Strukturen der Verbindungen aussagten, konnten sie auch in keinen sinnvollen Zusammenhang zueinander ge bracht werden. Mit dem zunehmenden Verständnis der strukturellen Beziehungen der Organischen Chemie wuchs aber die Tendenz, eine allgemeinverbindliche und systema tische Nomenklatur zu entwickeln, die es erlauben sollte, wesentliche konstitutionelle Aussagen über ein Molekül be reits aus dessen Namen abzuleiten. Andererseits wollte man einen großen Teil der althergebrachten Trivial- und Semi trivialnamen nicht so ohne weiteres aufgeben. Dennoch ist es den damit befaßten Instanzen der 'International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry', der IUPAC, gelungen, ein einheitliches und ausbaufähiges Nomen klatursystem zu entwickeln, das mittlerweile allgemein und international anerkannt ist. Die Originalfassung der IUPAC Nomenklaturregeln der Organischen Chemie ist ein unver zichtbares Hilfsmittel für den Spezialisten. Als Einführung in die Materie ist jedoch eine knappere und präzisere 'Ge brauchsanweisung' eher am Platze, die an Hand zahlreicher, sorgfältig ausgewählter bzw. konstruierter Beispiele die Geltungsbereiche der einzelnen Regeln möglichst voll ständig überstreicht.
Über die Einrichtungen zur Befruchtung britischer und ausländischer Orchideen durch Insekten
Author: Charles Darwin
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 3845724633
Page: 240
View: 4641
Best Books
I first discovered Raven et al.'s Biology of plants (hereafter referred to as BoP) in its 6th edition, published in 1999, when designing a second-year undergraduate ‘botany’ course. Whether it was because this was the first book I'd secured as a free ‘Instructor evaluation copy’ of a textbook (one of the few ‘perks’ of being a university lecturer … ), I can't be sure, but it's been a constant companion, and on my recommended reading list for my plant biology courses (with suitable updating to 2005's 7th edition), ever since. Why? Because it was – and still is! Icao pans ops doc 8168. – a great, all-purpose, general plant biology (botany in all but name) text, which includes abundant coloured diagrams, photos and photomicrographs, a substantial glossary (26 two-columned pages), a comprehensive index (64 three-columned pages!), suggestions of further reading (many of which are dated post-2005 as befits this ‘most significant revision in its history’) by chapter, a highly readable – therefore pedagogic? – style, and covers all the basics, from evolution, taxonomic overview of Kingdom Plantae (plus bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi and algae), ultrastructure, anatomy, physiology and biochemistry, ecology (although those latter two chapters are now only available online), and even plant–people relationships (both as a separate 22-page chapter and as 15 short essays throughout the book's approx. 900 pages). Along with the extensive updating, Peter Raven's name has disappeared from the listing of authors. It is not clear to me why this has happened, but this 8th edition is dedicated to the much-lauded gentleman (a Time magazine ‘Hero for the Planet’; and who is now honoured in BoP's updated title, Raven Biology of Plants. And BoP retains its distinctive impressionistic cover – van Gogh's 1890 ‘Field of Poppies’ this time – which makes it stand out from the other books on the shelf!
Does such a wonderful book have any competitors? Yes, there is a big, competitive market for undergraduate textbooks and plant biology is no exception. However, the textbook closest in style and coverage to BoP – that I know of – is the approx. 700-page tome Mauseth's Botany (2014), now in its 5th edition. I like ‘Mauseth’ (and it's not just because it's entitled botany!), but tend to turn to BoP first and supplement information from that source with material from other texts – such as Mauseth's. And you will need to supplement BoP with other sources. If you want more on the plant physiology side of things, then you will probably need the likes of specialist texts such as Taiz and Zeiger (2010). If you are after more of the molecular biology dimension, then Smith et al. (2010) or Jones et al. (2013) will help. To delve deeper into the structural–developmental side of plants, texts like Beck (2010) will be needed. For more on those all-important plants-and-people aspects of botany, then invaluable are Levetin and McMahon (2012) and Mauseth (2013), etc. The point is not that you don't need any other text than BoP, because you do!, but BoP is an excellent starting point for the basics of plant biology. Simply ‘mix-and-match’ BoP with your favourite, more specialist other texts to get the desired final outcome as suits your particular audience.
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So, in concluison, I don't think you can beat Raven Biology of Plants as a great all-round, comprehensive introduction to botany (oh, alright then! plant biology).
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An aside: the above comments refer to the so-called International Edition – ‘for use outside the USA and Canada’ – of BoP, 8th edition. I've often wondered what may be different in this edition compared to the USA one, and scrutinising Amazon's UK site I think I may have found the answer. The non-International Edition is shown retailing at about £120, but a reviewer ( says that both editions have the same content. So, maybe the International Edition should be renamed the ‘Austerity’ Edition. In any event, it is nice to know that the Americans are helping out the cash-strapped botany students of Europe and non-USA/Canada!
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